Infos Presse

STESSY M - Chanteuse / Interprète / Auteur compositeur


Dernière Mise à Jour - Mars 2020 

" La musique est un merveilleux moyen de s'exprimer et de partager avec les autres.  Au travers des notes, on brise les frontières et les différences. C'est un langage que tous peuvent comprendre.

Il suffit de tendre l'oreille et de se laisser emporter. Il n'est parfois nul besoin de mots pour se faire comprendre... L'émotion passe par le cœur et doit pouvoir se sentir à des kilomètres... C'est ça la magie de la musique. "


 " Dans mon esprit, j'imagine souvent la vie, (notre vie, pleine de bons et de mauvais moments) comme un disque, un vinyle qui continuerait de tourner sans cesse et de faire de la musique... Ce vinyle on continue de le faire tourner, même si l'on sait qu'il finira un jour par s'user, ou cesser tout son, tout comme chaque voix peut un jour s'éteindre, et c'est d'ailleurs ce qui rend chaque note qu'il émet plus précieuse... Car chaque note vaut alors le coup d'être entendue, d'être vécue... Chaque note vaut son combat. Chaque note en vaut la peine."


 " Chanter et écrire sont et resterons à jamais les deux choses qui me définissent le mieux... Ce que je suis à l'intérieur prend vie lorsque je chante ou que j'écris."

    • Stessy M : French Singer Composer

Stessy M has always been passionate about music and arts. She started really early to write and sing her own songs, following the steps of her idols Celine Dion, Goldman and Shania Twain.

The first to support her was her mother, and then, her music teacher Mr Bertram. Thanks to him, she performed for the 1st time on stage at the age of 10 with her own composition "A marvellous world in front of a crowd of more than 400 people in 2008.


Despite the fact that she was born in a family with no musician at all except one uncle playing accordion, music had always been at the center of her life such as litterature and cinema.

Every day was starting with a melody and the radio was tuning every day. So shy at first with the idea of expressing her talent worldwide, she posted her first video on Youtube in 2013. The Youtube audience immediately adopted her, sending her the bests compliments to support her in music and the fan community started to increase slowly.

Favorite of several composers and performers, she got the most beautiful messages and the best advices to improve her singing. An impressive circle of fans began to grow with the web. 

She made musical covers of pop, french, rock international artists such as Celine Dion, Shakira, Shania Twain, Adèle, Audra Mae, Coeur de Pirate,  Barbara...

Over the years, she wrote more and more compositions and took piano lessons. Passionate about languages worldwide, she ventured to write songs in French, Spanish, English and Portuguese.

On June 2015, she finally recorded and released her first EP, with a french single untitled Forgive me (Pardonne moi Tu me hais), a collaboration with the pianist Nicolas Luciani (who composed the melody for the single "Les Blessures qui ne se voient pas" - a famous song in France).

The EP was largely uploaded through the web with fans from England, Argentina, Colombia, Peru, Japan, Portugal, France and Germany. It has been her first and best success in her career : her first EP. 

Through the years, she performed a lot on stage singing her own composition "Pardonne Moi" and few covers. She tryed singing into musical groups as lead or unique singer, working with musicians and composers from different genres such as Pop, Rock, Country, Hard Rock, Jazz, Blues, French Chanson.

In 2016, she created a SoundCloud page and started posting covers on the Cloud.


She was quickly supported by a large community of fans on her website : in three months, she got more than 4.200 streamings,400 reposts and appeared in 660 favorites. Her covers were heard through the world and reposted again and again, allowing new people to know her and support her.


Thanks to SoundCloud, she met artists wordwide such as The Gatsbys with who she released an album of 11 songs untitled "New Beginning" on 2017. 

The pop-rock international album was composed with international musicians on drums, synth, violin and pianowith lyrics of Stessy M.

A real and wonderful project with a great team !

The song "Call Me" is the most personal song of the album. Stessy M sings with her powerful voice a story about a romantic breakup she had to deal with in real life.

The album "New Beginning" is about love and how to live without the one we love. The more powerful song is "You will be loved", telling the story of a woman losing her man on the sea.. Seems like a Shakespear romance, inspired by Tristan and Iseult story. Heartbreaking.


"New Beginning" allows us to enter profundly into Stessy M's musical world with words that came deep from her mind, speaking about love, forgiveness, life, youth and braveryThe title "New beginning" was very well chosen for a new start in music, while every song relates to the theme of willingness to move forward in life. 

Unfortunately, after the album "New beginning" being released, Stessy M and The Gatsbys decided to make music both their own way.

Despite a lot of sales worldwide and more fans internationaly, the project didn't received has much success as planned and it was hard for both of them to deal with disappointment...

"Time for a new beginning, time for a new start."

The artist Stessy M changed from pop rock to Pop dance, a musical genre she always loved. 

"My dream is to make people dance with my music, pop dance is the better way to make this possible"

In fact, the pop dance genre had always been in her heart since childhood. 

She adore listening to Cascada, Sia, David Guetta, Lady Gaga... with a passion for dance.

At the end of 2018, she started her first collaboration of pop dance music, with the famous composers Mello D.Lane and Ben Bishop.

In 2019, Stessy M released her first pop single untitled "Like a Love Song", singing about love and happiness.

The single was quickly adored with fans from all countries of the world, and her fan community increased as never before.

More than 9000 views of the official video, 7000 fans on Reverbnation, 4000 on her Facebook Page - Loads of love !

This made her realize all the support she could have through music.

In the middle of 2019, she released a second Single, with the talented german/italian DJ and composer Delangio (The Pantheon Project). 

The french Single "Porcelaine" is a very strong song, wich relates to her old songs "Pardonne moi" and "La Perle d'Or" (from the album "New Beginning"). 

The song "Porcelaine" is an hymn for life. Stessy M tells us that through pain, darkness, weakness, there is always a strengh to move forward. 

She tells us to live in real, because being alive is a gift, and knowing it, is the real key for strengh and happiness.


Now what's next ? More projects to come ! ;)

Last Updates - March 2020

“Music is a beautiful way to express oneself and to communicate with the others. That's what makes it magic. ”